May Blessings Pt. 4


Well, I’ve had an interesting end to May (more on that later), so I will truncate some of the days

May 19-22

I have no idea what happened on these days. It has been far too long and far too many blessings for me to remember which happened on these days.

May 23

We left for vacation today to Chicago!! We drove in without a hitch and got downtown to our hotel with only a few squawks from Max. This picture was taken moments after we dropped Eric’s new phone on the ground by the Bean and shattered the screen. Look at that smile! He is such a great man! I would not have been quit this happy after shattering my screen. What a blessing Eric is to my life!

May 24

We cooked out on the beach with our dear friend Carol. It was soooo great to see her and catch up! One of the things we miss most about living in Chicago is our fun times with this lady. Such a good and blessed friend!

May 25

We got to catch up with another friend, Katie! The four (five including Max) of us went to this delightful Italian restaurant where you share everything. You order family sized plates and pass it around. We spent probably around 3 hours there talking, eating, and drinking. So good to spend time with these ladies again!

May 26

I had a work conference in Wisconsin starting Tuesday so we left Chicago on Memorial Day. We left in the morning not sure what our plans were, and we ended up in Lake Geneva, WI at a restaurant we enjoyed

May 27

We bought boar games today! It just isn’t vacation unless we come back with board games. The one we still have on our kitchen table is Caverna. You are a dwarf family and you win by making your cave and forest the best little cave and forest (there are a few more mechanics than that, but you get the point). It’s so great to spend time in friendly rivalry with my husband! I think it says somewhere that a little healthy competition is good for a marriage…especially if the wife wins all the time. 😉

May 28

The conference I went to was with Evangelical Catholic to help train campus ministers and parish leaders in methods of EC. This organization has really been a blessing to my ministry and to me personally. I’ve learned and grown so much since I was first introduced to them.

May 29

Thank God for a great family doc and good intuition. I hadn’t been feeling well since Wednesday morning, so I finally called my doc and she wasn’t for sure what was wrong with me, but the options she listed were concerning. I made the decision that we should probably skip out on the rest of the conference and get me to the doctor…

May 30

I went to my doctor’s appointment, they sent me to get CT scans, and then they sent me to the Emergency Room because I had appendicitis. I had surgery that afternoon and was resting by that evening. Woof. That was not how I expected my Friday to go. Thank God for talented (and friendly) surgeon’s!

May 31

Because I had to stay in the hospital overnight, Eric’s parent’s came and helped take care of Max overnight. All on their 34th wedding anniversary!

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